วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Is that your underwear completely?

Before answering this question, you have to deal with the basics of fashion and basics of buying and carries sexy lingerie familiar. True, if you can wear something simple, short and sexy, you have a reaction from your lover. Like a pair of tight jeans wear, of course.
Create However, the full effect, the passion that you send your partner with the desire of the wall, you need to move from business as a whole.

When it comes to laundry, you must be awarewith the 3 missions of lingerie, and the 3 creations of lingerie. The three missions are;

1. Flaunt it- Enhance your special features.
2. Hide it- Cover those less desirable portions.
3. Pretend you got it- Beef up portions that need it.

The three creations of lingerie are;
1) Mystery- Make your lover wonder what is hidden.
2) Excitement- Peek your lovers interest.
3) Tease- Drive your lover crazy!

Once you have an understanding of how all 6 features work, then it's be spent on training.

You must first understand what a set. The dictionary definition is as follows;

Main Entry: en sem · BLE
Function: noun
Debate: one-'säm B & L-NA --
Etymology: French, all together, from Latin insimul at the same time, in-+ simul, at the same time - more equality
: A group to produce an effect to harmonize: as: concerted music of two or more parts B: A complete costume orOther apparel and accessories.

Pay special attention to the underlined part. Harmonization or clothing and accessories. Many of you ladies are already familiar with the concept. When you are ready to go to dance, and want to see the top, one can not just throw a dress, a pair of shoes and walk out the door. You already know that the sexiest, the finish you need. They would not dare to wear a dress, without shoes match, the perfectEarrings, necklace, purse, stockings and make-up properly. But when it comes to preparing for the dance of love, many of you only on a simple shirt, a dress with slits up to here, have thrown put a figure flattering seductive bustier corset bra with a garter or a teddy bear attractive an alluring pose, or shake the garbage and leave the rest to your dance partner.

Yes, it works, you get a result. How do I get a taxi will take youwherever you want. But if you want to do in a big way, take a limousine.

For true elegance, style and sex appeal, you need the accessories needed to work in harmony with your sexy lingerie. You need the crowd. Your accessories, you and your underwear.

Are you ready to create an unbridled passion and lust? If it is done correctly, you will be in the eye control of your lover. To set up your dance partner glaze in a particular order. Her lover isThe Puppet On A String. Make your doll dances to the beat of a drum. Do not even know your doll, gave it hurts.

Start with the makeup and hair accessories. Do not think "the day in the office thinking," "passion, seduction and imagination."

Planning is essential. Just like when choosing your sexy lingerie, you have to ask what you want to achieve. Connect it to do, edible, or so, you got it. Rhinestone Jewelry for this miracle to happen.

DirectorPuppet email. For example. If you wear a bra to enhance cleavage, you want your eyes of lovers, to move the face, neck, and then dive into the depths of the crevasse. Shaped rhinestone earrings rhinestone necklace and V, which in turn. The earrings hang from her ears, and should point to the neck. The chain is wrapped in the upper chest and accentuates the form and give greater clarity.

If your lover, your opinion will abbs tight, then a braRhinestone belly chain and the head of the online site, and be amazed at what treasures await.

Rhinestone bracelet, you can use your eyes if you want to move with a wave of hand. Caress your body and watch his eyes follow the hand with a lush intensity.

The magic of knitting. You are probably familiar with the fish-net stockings and thigh highs. Have you ever watched fencing net, spider, or a tattoo there? The world of knitting has become an adultits own technology. I could write a book about knitting, and it is likely. Socks correspondents who work in perfect harmony with your set, you strengthen your legs and hide flaws.

There are many ways to a harmonious whole, I could list all possible. I hope I have begun to stimulate your creativity and show how important accessory for your sexy lingerie.

Be creative. It's your body, it is your dance. Think about what effect you want, then createthem. If you are not sure how to do it, many employees can be helpful, you have to ask not to be afraid. We are always available to help you in your decisions. Answer the questions honestly, and you can take your group of harmonies that you ask your partner what it is made.

